AUSTIN, TX — The City of Austin is launching its first “Week of Action To End Homelessness,” a seven-day campaign engaging the public to help address the challenge.
Starting Thursday, the week will focus on a different theme each day, enabling Austin residents to choose an action that is accessible and meaningful to them, officials explained in an advisory. Organizers will provide tools to help participants rally around calls for a community that values everyone in Austin – while providing practical information to support those who want to make a difference. Examples of ways in which people can participate include:
- Making car packs with water and shelf-stable food, or hygiene packs with soap, toothpaste/brush, wipes and deodorants, for distribution to people who need them.
- Writing stories or creating art that engages the community and builds commitment to ending homelessness.
- Equipping friends and neighbors with the information they need to effect change.
- Making the donation of time, money, perspective, or talent.
- Sharing actions and impacts with their networks, including on social media using the hashtag #HelpNotHide, expanding the audience and increasing potential participants.
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