Why the Best Nonprofit Organizations Steal Pages From For-Profit Business Playbooks


Any business that doesn’t follow good business practices will struggle. A lack of attention to costs and profits will lead to financial troubles, a loss in customers, and an exodus of good talent.

Nonprofits don’t have that same Darwinian force at play. A poorly run nonprofit can limp along for years based on the good intentions of its managers and the hopeful support of its funders. However, while nonprofits don’t have the same money motive and financial goals, they can still benefit from adopting many for-profit best practices.

As a business coach who works with both for-profit and nonprofit organizations, there are several good for-profit business practices that I employ to help mission-driven organizations dramatically increase their impact and reach.

1. Clarify your organizational focus and desired outcome.

At the core of strategy is choosing a clear focus for the business. Focusing creates alignment for the team and eases the daily decision-making process. Having a clear focus allows you to concentrate your energy and resources and move the needle. A business without a focus will chase too many priorities and produce lackluster results.

The same is true for nonprofit organizations. While there are many noble pursuits, if you want to truly make an impact, choose one you can advance the most and define the specific outcome you desire. Once you’ve made a choice, explicitly clarify all of the things you are not going to do. This will help you avoid distraction which water down your efforts.

2. Paint a vivid picture of the future you are striving for.

Stalin has been quoted to say, “single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.” It’s sad, but true. Because of the way our brains work, we emotionally attach to stories not numbers. If we want to create a compelling vision of the future, it’s better to describe it as a narrative rather than with numbers.

For businesses, we create vivid visions of the future by describing accomplishments in rich detail and writing them in the present tense as if we’ve already achieved them. For nonprofits, we take a similar approach: we focus on the core beneficiary and desired impact for them; we describe the good we want to achieve in a rich language of success.

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