Foster Village Growth Grant Program Overview

Most children who exit foster care either return home to their birth families or exit into the custody of biological relatives (roughly 70% in Central Texas in 2019). Yet, there is a huge gap in post-reunification services available to help sustain birth families. Many of these families face continued generational adversity and often lack the relational support that all families need in order to navigate the challenges of life.

At the same time, most foster parents are eager to continue a safe and supportive role in the child(ren)’s life post-reunification. They wish to see the birth family achieve safe and stable permanency and can be a unique relational support to the whole family.

Partners in Permanency helps families build safe and stable permanency after reunification through ongoing, committed relationships between birth parents and foster parents in order to best care for the children they love.

By providing critical tools for a healthy family foundation as well as sustainable connections and lifelong mentorships, Partners in Permanency aims to break cycles of generational adversity which will help families stay together.

Glimmer|Austin awarded a growth grant to Foster Village in the amount of $50,000 summer of 2020.