Ghisallo Cycling Initiative promotes cycling as means of transportation, exercise, fun


Learning to ride a bike is a big milestone for most children. The local nonprofit Ghisallo Cycling Initiative hopes to instill that in today’s generation through its various programs.

We caught up with the instructors when they visited Martin Elementary school. During the students’ physical education period they bring bikes donated by the Texas Department of Transportation for the children to ride. But it’s not all fun and games — the goal is to teach the kids the bike safety knowledge they need to navigate public spaces and San Antonio streets.

“We educate our youth to expertly and safely integrate cycling into their daily lives. We want them to ride their bikes for exploration, navigation and transportation,” said Cristina Solorzano, community educator with Ghisallo.

E-bikes coming to National Parks

The nonprofit also offers classes that teach kids how to repair their own bikes in the event of an emergency while out of the road or trail. They hope the kids can take those skills and help their fellow students, neighbors or family.

Ghisallo also offers free bike lessons for the whole family. Click here for more information.