10 Practical Solutions for your Fundraising Challenges


Whether you are an executive director, in a development or programming role, or serving as a board member, we all play a vital role in the fundraising process. While there are a lot of important components of running a nonprofit, many feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed when it comes to fundraising execution.

Notley’s fundraising series provides nonprofits and their stakeholders with practical tools, expertise and strategies to accelerate fundraising efforts.

Our first workshop focused on highlighting business sales practices that—when combined with traditional fundraising principles—result in more predictable, manageable, and realistic revenue goals and outcomes.

In our most recent masterclass, we hosted a panel discussion with seasoned fundraising experts Brett Barnes of Planned Parenthood, Julie Shannan of VentureLab, and Ashlynn Russey-Dickey of Notley where they shared their experiences, practical advice, and innovative campaign ideas.